Agrofuels and oil palm plantations

The promotion of agrofuels as a form of renewable energy is proving to be one of the European Union’s biggest policy mistakes.

EU agrofuels policies are aggravating climate change. They have become a key driver of forest and biodiversity loss, land-grabs and conflicts, and human rights abuses in producer countries such as Indonesia. Increasingly, agricultural land needed to produce food is being reallocated to grow crops for agrofuels to fuel cars rather than to feed hungry people. [more]

Ministers turn a blind eye to biofuels' devastating impacts

DTE update, 12th December, 2013

MEPs vote for too-high 6% cap on agrofuels

DTE, September 12, 2013

"The people of Indonesia will be disappointed to hear that the European parliament has failed to agree any meaningful action to reduce Europe's demand for palm oil, which is driving deforestation and conflict in our country."

Nur Hidayati, WALHI/Friends of the Earth Indonesia, quoted in the Guardian, September 11th

Commission admits doubts over agrofuels green credentials - but delays further action

At the close of business, 2010, the European Commission formally acknowledged that Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings of agrofuels and bioliquids – but delayed further action until June 2011.