Mining, oil & gas

UK involvement in the mining oil and gas sector in Indonesia

Presentation by DTE, May 2014

DTE's Andrew Hickman gave the following presentation at a public meeting, Mining, Law and Equity: Challenges and Opportunities, held by the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, in May 2014.

Down to Earth 87, December 2010

DTE is starting a series of brief updates on our activities to let people know more about our campaigns, capacity-building and information work. Feedback is welcome: contact

Down to Earth 87, December 2010

Down to Earth No 57  May 2003

The world's largest mining company, Rio Tinto, has faced severe criticism on human rights, the environment, health & safety and pay & conditions. The company's dismal record in Indonesia has been spotlighted in a new report by WALHI, published to coincide with the company's annual general meetings.

Rio Tinto's annual general meetings in London and Perth sparked co-ordinated protest actions in Indonesia, Australia and Britain.