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DTE's quarterly newsletter provides information on ecological justice in Indonesia.

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DTE publications

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

The people of Porsea and environmental groups were delighted by Environment Minister Sonny Keraf's recommendation to the Cabinet on January 18th that PT Inti Indorayon's paper pulp and rayon fibre plant should be closed down or relocated. But their ten-year struggle against the pollution caused by this factory near Lake Toba in North Sumatra is far from over.

Down to Earth No 44, February 2000

After months of official inaction over the import of waste mud from Singapore, environment minister Sonny Keraf has finally taken action which may halt the shipments.

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

Siberut provides a vivid example of the way the powerful combination of Indonesia's economic problems and changes to local autonomy and forestry legislation threaten the future of the country's forests and indigenous people. A UNESCO workshop on conservation and sustainable development for the Siberut biosphere zone brought various conflicting parties together to look for local solutions.

Down to Earth No. 44, February 2000

A crisis in the oil palm industry is making a mockery of predictions that exports of the crop will help haul Indonesia out of its economic woes.

Export orders for Indonesian palm oil products fell sharply when the first shipment of palm oil, contaminated with diesel oil, was rejected by buyers in the Netherlands in October last year.

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Down to Earth No. 43, November 1999

Rio Tinto, the UK-based mining giant is exploring the possibility of opening a nickel mine in Kendari district, Southeast Sulawesi. Joordan Hutagalung, an executive of PT Rio Tinto Exploration Indonesia said in July that the company had been issued a licence for survey preparations. Satellite imagery showed that the area contained nickel, copper and gold.

Down to Earth No. 43, November 1999

In South Kalimantan province, coal mining - involving Australian companies - is continuing to disrupt the lives of local communities. In Hulu Sungai Utara district, the district head, Suhailin Muchtar said that both legal and illegal coal mining activities had damaged the environment. PT Adaro Indonesia's coal mine (part-owned by Australia's New Hope) operates in this district.