


Down to Earth No. 43, November 1999

In South Kalimantan province, coal mining - involving Australian companies - is continuing to disrupt the lives of local communities. In Hulu Sungai Utara district, the district head, Suhailin Muchtar said that both legal and illegal coal mining activities had damaged the environment. PT Adaro Indonesia's coal mine (part-owned by Australia's New Hope) operates in this district.

Down to Earth No 43, November 1999

The push for an independent West Papua is gaining strength: mass protests met the government's decision to split the territory into three provinces and the vote in East Timor fuelled demands for independence.

Down to Earth Special Issue, October 1999

The 1999 Congress was the result of a three year period of planning and organising involving indigenous peoples' groups and local and national NGOs which had supported indigenous communities' fight for their rights over a number of years.

By the mid-1990s there were an increasing number of opportunities for indigenous peoples to express their own views at

Down to Earth No. 42, August 1999

Down to Earth No. 38, August 1998

As UK-based mining giant Rio Tinto tries to launch a 'charm offensive', NGOs in Indonesia, England and Australia continue to challenge the company on its human rights and environment records.

Rio Tinto held its London Annual General Meeting on May 13th.

Down to Earth No. 38, August 1998

In post-Suharto Indonesia, the reform movement is pushing for a new, clean government and demanding that the nation's rich resources are returned to the control of the people. Down to Earth salutes the reform movement and supports the forces for democracy and ecological justice in their struggle for a better future!

Down to Earth No. 36 February 1998

The highland region of West Papua is in the grip of the worst famine in living memory. Thousands are dying of starvation and disease. The effects of the prolonged drought have been exacerbated by apparent government indifference, lack of transportation for relief supplies and inappropriate "solutions" to the crisis.