


Down to Earth No 62 August 2004

Efforts to secure protection for local communities under a new timber trade standard may be undermined by an emergency decree on illegal logging.

In 2002, the Indonesian and British governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to combat illegal logging and the illegal timber trade.

Down to Earth No 60  February 2004

Indonesia's forestry industry is becoming aware that consumers in Europe and North America want assurances that timber products are not imported at the cost of rainforest destruction.

Down to Earth No. 58, August 2003

Meanwhile, the need to bring about fundamental reform is not addressed.

The international environmental campaigning NGO Greenpeace believes that Indonesia has the world's highest rate of forest loss. Even Indonesian government ministers now admit publicly that deforestation in the country is out of control. "While we might still be having problems with environmental issues like flooding, forest fires and pollution, we nevertheless think we can find a way out.

Down to Earth No 58  August 2003

An interview with Erma Suryani Ranik, volunteer for AMA Kalbar (Indigenous Peoples Alliance, West Kalimantan), who has been visiting the UK and Norway as part of DTE's programme with the indigenous peoples alliance, AMAN.


What are the main problems facing indigenous peoples in West Kalimantan?

The main problem is that our land rights are not being recognised.

Down to Earth No 55  November 2002

Human rights abuses connected to the logging industry will increase in West Papua as more forests are destroyed and the Indonesian security forces continue their business activities in a climate of impunity.

In July 2002, West Papuan human rights group ELSHAM reported a series of logging-related human rights abuses committed between February and June 2002 by members of the Indonesian armed forces stationed in sub-districts around Jayapura.

Down to Earth No 53-54  August 2002

In April this year the Indonesian and British governments signed an agreement to improve forest law enforcement and to combat illegal logging and the international trade in illegal wood products.

Down to Earth No. 48, February 2001

The recent increase in tension in West Papua, punctuated by the murder of political prisoners and the arrest of independence leaders, has not stopped the transnational companies continuing with plans to exploit the territory's natural resources.

The giant Tangguh gas fields in off the north western coast, contain an estimated 20 trillion cubic feet of gas. The British American merger BP/Amoco (BP) plans to start production in 2005 and is seeking sales contracts in China.